December 2022 Free Printable Calendar

Free Printable Calendar!

You guys its the last month of 2022! I don’t even know where the year went. I don’t know about you but my year was filled with high highs and low lows. As many of you know I am a first time Mom to the sweetest little boy in the entire world. I work from home running this little shop (with my husbands never ending support) and I get to spend every minute with my son. It is an absolute blessing and I cherish every single second.. yes even the ones when he is sticking my toothbrush in between his butt cheeks cue cry laughing emoji

Unfortunately at the beginning of the year my sweet baby girl BB, my now 7 year old, then 6 year old puppy dog was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. We gave her about 4.5 months of chemotherapy and by some miracle she is still her with us. We don’t take one second with her for granted and we feel so blessed to have be given the chance to be her family and spoil her as much as we can.

This little shop owes a lot of gratitude and thanks to so many of you fabulous people! Without your support I wouldn’t be able to stay home with my son and do what I love. I hope everyone has a fabulous December and I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for all of us!

Lots & Lots of Love!

Anna S.


December Playlist


November 2022 Free Printable Calendar