Why Seint?

My entire life I have identified as a tomboy. I have three brothers so of course this is a natural identity for me.. instead of learning how to do makeup my brothers were teaching me how to throw a longer pass, or shoot a beer, or any number of silly things we got up to on a daily basis. Makeup, jewelry, fashion .. my mom rocked that vibe and a lot of the times I could go to her for style and advice.. but it isn’t the same as having a sister. My mom comes from a different generation, and sometimes it was hard to ask her questions about beauty or makeup because she wasn’t using the same trends as girls my eye .. like when I was a teenager and she didn’t believe in dark eye liner like all the other girls wore in school.

It wasn’t until after I gave birth to my son, ironically enough, that I finally found some freedom in my identity.. and why not I literally just created a whole human from scratch.. if I can do that I can literally do anything! But on top of that my pregnancy & postpartum period was not been very glamorous.. many days I spent in baggy t-shirts, un-showered, and no makeup… and I just didn’t feel good.

Well after endless nights of waking up three to five times for my little one and endlessly scrolling social media.. I discovered Seint and was in awe. These women could apply makeup in 5-10 minutes and look flawless and whats more it was contour makeup.. not just a simple foundation and blush.. and they looked amazing. I started to realize these weren’t celebrities or major influencers they were just everyday women doing their makeup effortlessly.. and a lot of them had more kids in tow than me!

I decided to take the plunge and purchase some of the makeup.. and guess what I totally loved it. I used it everyday and I have honestly received more compliments wearing this makeup than anything ever before. So shortly after I signed on as a Seint Artist… and guess what I love it! It has completely given me purpose and rejuvenated my desire to be feminine and dress up and take care of myself.

HAC - Highlight & Contour

A simple method for complete coverage on your face!

I couldn’t be happier starting this journey and I can’t wait to see where it takes me. Already I have met and made friends with a wonderful community of women who are generous and kind and share positivity in the world. It is the type of community I have been longing to be apart of for a long time.. it is a sisterhood and I am over the moon excited to call myself a Seint Artist.

If you want to find out more please feel free to comment ARTIST below and I will be happy to send you more information! In the meantime follow me on Instagram at Anna_K_Sparrow for more Seint & Beauty related posts!


Stoney Clover Lane x Target Haul


Ipsy Glam Bag March 2022