Finding Out I’m Pregnant & How I Told My Husband

Honestly besides the day that I gave birth to my son, finding out I was pregnant was the happiest day of my life (and also marrying my husband of course)! This was such a special day for us and I was so happy to have captured everything on camera.

That morning when I woke up I knew something was off with my body, but I honestly just thought it was PMS until I started connecting some of the dots and I thought what if…

The moment I turned that stick over and saw the two lines my heart exploded and I just knew I was going to be in absolute love with this little baby. I started jumping up and down and totally got BB way over excited but it was so worth it. Then BB and I went for a walk to appreciate the gravity of what just happened and we listened to The Morning Benders on repeat the entire time because it was just so appropriate.

I wanted to tell Adam in such a special way and originally was only going to give him the Papa Bear slippers, but as soon as I saw that dog tag station at the store I knew it was the perfect way to share this amazing news. BB truly wears our whole world around her neck which is appropriate because she is our whole world.

If you also happen to take a pregnancy test while your husband isn’t present and you want to find a fun way to share it with him, pick something special to the two of you and I guarantee no matter what he will just be so excited to learns the news! Watch below for even more details from our day!


The Ultimate Leftover Thanksgiving LAB Sandwich


Fun ways to tell your partner you’re pregnant!