10 Things To Do After The Stick Turns Blue

What To Do After Finding Out You’re Pregnant With Free Printable!

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Congratulations!! Here I am making the strong assumptions that you are clicking on this link because either you or someone you know is pregnant and so my sincerest congratulations! Finding out I was pregnant was honestly one of the best days ever! It was such a life altering moment and completely changed the trajectory of my life. I hope you are just as excited as I was and I hope this list can provide some guidance and help you start to prioritize your next steps! I have also included a free printable for you at the bottom!

  1. Do a happy dance because you are pregnant! That’s right celebrate with yourself, this is a huge moment for you and I promise life will never be the same, but in the best possible way. So do a little happy dance then take a deep breath because you now have a huge responsibility in front of you.

  2. Tell your partner! This was the best part for me because I was so excited to share the news with my husband! Click the buttons below to watch the full video of how I found out and how I shared the news with him & creative ways to tell your partner!

3. Quit Smoking & Drinking ASAP - that’s right this is a huge No No while your pregnant! It is not safe for the baby and can cause multiple issues for you and your baby.

4. Schedule An Appointment With OBGYN - From what I understand and in my experience they may not see you until you are a certain time along in your pregnancy either 6/8/12 weeks but get this appointment on the calendar ASAP. It is important to meet with them regularly and make sure you choose a provider that you are very comfortable with and trust.

5. Pre-Natal Vitamins! Start this as soon as you can because every bit helps you and the baby. There are many nutrients the baby needs for healthy development and it becomes vital that you provide your baby everything it needs to grow big and strong! Personally my absolute favorite were the Vitafusion Pretnatal Gummy Vitamins!

6. Healthy Diet & Lots of Water - There are some foods that you should avoid while pregnant, and I won’t get into that here, but it is important to maintain a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy. I found ‘9 Whole Months’ super helpful in maintaining a healthy diet and keeping me on track! This doesn’t mean that you still won’t experience the hardcore pregnancy cravings that are very real and very much have to be satisfied (trust me I had multiple food cravings), but overall do your best to eat healthy. Also drinking lots of water has never been more important. Lastly limit your caffeine intake. This is an individual decision, but I personally did not have any caffeine while pregnant.

7. Health Insurance - If you have it (which I know if you pay out of pocket it can be more expensive than a car payment) but it can help when your pregnant and you may want to look into what your insurance covers and what it doesn’t. For example I was able to get the cost of my entire Medela Breast Pump covered through my insurance. Also being aware upfront will keep you from any unwanted surprises down the road.

8. Share The Good News! - Decide how and when you want to share the news with family and friends. Everyone will be so excited and with social media so integrated in our lives, make sure you set clear boundaries with how you want the news to be shared or not shared.

9. Re-examine Your Rest & Activities! Now more than ever you need to rest and take care of your body so that it can do its thing and grow your perfect little baby. At the same time make sure you are doing appropriate pregnancy activities and not over-extenuating yourself or doing dangerous activities that could harm your baby. Ie Roller Coasters or surprise changing a kitty litter box! Just make sure to check out what is safe and what you should avoid while pregnant!

10. Pregnancy Journal! You are going to have a million questions, thoughts, ideas, names, basically everything under the sun. So make sure to keep a Pregnancy Journal with you at all times (either old school journal or maybe a cool electronic version) that allows you to keep track of any questions, concerns or thoughts you have while pregnant. The one I used was by Pearhead, linked here, and I really enjoyed writing in it each month, and now looking back at all of the memories of when my baby was growing is so much fun! It was also super helpful for doctor appointments because it has space for questions so you don’t forget anything!


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