Top 10 Remedies For Morning Sickness

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While pregnancy is one of the most magical and life changing periods of anyones life it does come with some rather unfortunate side affects, including morning sickness. For some it is nothing more than a slight irritant but for some it can be the hardest parts of pregnancy. For me it was completely debilitating and I thought it was never going to go away. I was completely fine up until about week 8 when my morning sickness started to really kick in and I was totally taken by surprise. I thought it would only last in the morning and would just feel like mild nausea unfortunately mine lasted all day and I was completely overwhelmed by any and all smells and the worst part was that so many of the food that I used to love immediately made me feel queasy.

If you just found out your pregnant or you know someone who is, perhaps this list will help! In all honesty some of it is trial and error because what may have worked for me might not work for you but just in case I thought I would share some good options!.

  1. Morning Sickness Pops or Morning Sickness Drops - These were my number one life saver with morning sickness. Every morning within minutes of waking up I would start sucking on the B-Natal Morning Sickness Relief Pops, and it was the best relief from the instant nausea I felt. Then while trying to get through day, and trying to complete such simple tasks like walking my dog, I would suck on Preggie Pop Drops. These are sour and delicious and would keep me just sane enough to get through the day and actually provided me some relief!

2. Ginger & Ginger Ale - I drank at least one mini can of ginger ale every single day for about 8 weeks while pregnant. It was one of the few things I could stomach and I actually looked forward to drinking it. Complete honesty I haven’t had a sip since but it really helped soothe my stomach and tasted better than just plain water. Ginger is also a great alternative that you can have to alleviate morning sickness. You can buy it in the grocery store and make your own tea with it, or even buy lemon ginger tea.

3. Eat Saltine Crackers Before Getting Out of Bed - Something about getting up out of bed, even to pee really made me feel sick to my stomach. I found that it really helped keeping saltines by my bed and I would eat one or two before getting up and for whatever reason helped keep the nausea at bay.

4. Get Out of Bed Slowly - Don’t jump out of bed! This can cause dizziness and immediately trigger your nausea. Set your alarm a little earlier and take your time getting up letting your body adjust! This sounds simple but this was the only way I was able to move when I was deep in the first trimester morning sickness.

5. Limit Smells & Strong Aromas - Seriously, now is not the time to bring out the scented candles or cook a fragrant meal. This will trigger the nausea and now there are still some things that I can’t smell without making me feel ill. I made the mistake of buying scented doggie poop bags and I still can’t handle that smell without feeling sick to my stomach! This was a nice reason to not have to take our trash out though!

6. Seabands - At the same time I was experiencing morning sickness a family member was very ill with a terminal disease and was suffering the effects of chemo. We were eating lunch one afternoon and joked that we were wearing the same seabands to ease the nausea! I didn’t find that these had much of an effect on me I did try them for a few days but I didn’t notice any immediate change. However I have had quit a few friends who have sworn by using these and hopefully they work for you!

7. Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently - This does help if you are actively sick while suffering with morning sickness. I had to follow this rule and did help me from throwing up because I kept letting my body digest a little a time.

8. Anything Sour - Candy is not the healthiest thing to eat while pregnant, but honesty if you want some relief and also just like a little quick pick me up pop a bag of Sour Patch Kids in your fridge and grab a couple at a time. Something about the cold and sour candy was a fun treat that I got to look forward to while also providing some relief from the nausea.

9. Gentle Exercise - Some days just trying to take a dog for the walk would really trigger my nausea. I think my neighbors saw me throw up more times then I would like to think about while walking my dog. However on some days getting outside and going for a walk really seemed to help. I wouldn’t go fast and I would just try to breathe in the fresh air and this seemed to relax me and eased my intense morning sickness.

10. Take It Easy & Rest - Lastly don’t forget you are growing a baby! You deserve to take it easy and rest you are creating life and it will take a toll on your body. Plus and I know this sounds cliche but take it from a new mom who hasn’t slept longer than 2 consecutive hours in over four months, get all the rest you can because when the baby comes your whole life will change! You will be responsible for another human being 7 days a week 24 hours a day. It will be the best and hardest job of your life, so rest up and get ready for this awesome adventure called parenthood!


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